- Organisation
- Distributed algorithms
- In distributed algorithms, the problem is given by the network itself and solved by coordination protocols
- Graphs and spanning trees revisited
- Tree edge: an edge that belongs to the spanning tree
- Frond edge: an edge that does not belong to the spanning tree
- Basics
- Synchronous models
- nodes work totally synchronised – in lock-step
- easiest to develop, but often unrealistic and less efficient
- all node process (1) + all message (0)
- all node process (0) + all message (1)
- Asynchronous models
- messages can take an arbitrary unbounded time to arrive
- often unrealistic and sometimes impossible
- all node process (0) + each message ([0, 1])
- FIFO guarantee
- async time complexity ≥ sync time complexity
- Partially synchronous models
- some time bounds or guarantees
- more realistic, but most difficult
- Synchronous models
- Echo algorithm
- Echo algorithm revisited
- sync, BFS spanning tree -> SyncBFS
- Time Units = 3 ≤ 2D + 1
Messages = 10 = 2 E
- async, not a BFS spanning tree
- Time Units on Broadcast = 1 ≤ D
- Messages = 10
Time Units on Convergecast = 3 = V − 1 - Total time is 4 ``` let parent = null let rec = 0
- sync, BFS spanning tree -> SyncBFS
for q in Neigh do send tok to q while rec < | Neigh | do receive tok rec += 1 decide
let parent = null let rec = 0
receive tok from q // non-deterministic choice! parent = q rec += 1 for q in Neigh \ parent do send tok to q while rec < | Neigh | do // count all received tokens receive tok // forward and return rec += 1 send tok to parent
7. Echo/size algorithm
- The size of the network (number of nodes)
- The number of nodes which have a given property
- The maximum, minimum or sum of all values contained in nodes (assuming that each node contains a numerical value)
- In general, functions which are associative and commutative, such as + (why?)
- A “leader” (e.g. the node with the highest ID)
- Non-determnistic but confluent evaluations
let parent = null let rec = 0 let size = 1
for q in Neigh do send (tok ,0) to q while rec < | Neigh | do receive (tok , s ) // order irrelevant; + commutative rec += 1 size += s
decide size
let parent = null let rec = 0 let size = 1
receive (tok , s ) from q // choice irrelevant; + associative parent = q rec += 1
for q in Neigh \ parent do send (tok ,0) to q
while rec < | Neigh | do receive (tok , s ) // fan-out tokens: s=0 rec += 1 // fan-in tokens: s=subtree size size += s
send (tok , size ) to parent // only children really contribute ```
- Further algorithms
- Distributed MST (Minimal Spanning Tree): Dijkstra prize 2004
- Byzantine agreement: ”the crown jewel of distributed algorithms” – Dijkstra prize 2005, 2001
- The relation between Byzantine algorithms and blockchains
- Project and practical work
- Lynch, Nancy (1996). Distributed Algorithms. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. ISBN 978-1-55860-348-6.
- Tel, Gerard (2000), Introduction to Distributed Algorithms, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-52179-483-1.
- Fokkink, Wan (2013), Distributed Algorithms - An Intuitive Approach, MIT Press (Second Edition 2018 also available)
- Readings
Search Fundamentals
- Classical DFS
2 E -
Cidon DFS: 2 V -2, 3 E
- SyncBFS
- 2D + 1, 2E
AsyncBFS: messages = O(D* E ); time−pileups = O(D); time+pileups = O(D* V ) -
LayeredBFS: messages = O(D V + E ); time−pileups = O(D 2 ) - (P27)
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
Time complexity of Dijkstra = O(( E + V )log V ) -
Time complexity * Bellman-Ford = O( V E ) -
Sync Bellman-Ford: O( V ), O( V E ) -
O( V ), O( V ^( V )),
- Sync Echo (aka Sync BFS) : BFS ST, no link changes, fast
- Async Echo : arbitrary ST, no link changes, but not so fast
- Sync BF : shortest paths ST, many link changes, not so fast
- emulating slow links by extra edges exponentially increases V!
- the formula is still exponential on k, but not anymore on N = exp(k)!
- Async BF : shortest paths ST, exponential link changes
- if FIFO: worst case exponential time
- Luby’s algorithm
- stop with probability 1, expected O(logn) rounds
- send, greater winner
- notify neighbors
- loser boardcase(disconnected)
Minimum spanning trees
- min-height ST: here also BFS ST (cf. sync Echo)
- shortest paths ST (cf. sync/async Bellman-Ford)
- minimum ST (cf. sync/async GHS), here also DFS ST (cf. sync/async Cidon)
- arbitrary ST (cf. async Echo)
- Prim - one node - search for the shortest path, which does not contain repeated node
- Kruskal - 2-way merge - sorted path and find the path does not contain repeated node
- Bor˚uvka - component (subtree) + connected edge - multi-way merges
- distributed MST is based on Bor˚uvka
- In any multi-way merge there is always one Common MWOE.
- Level 0 trees, i.e. initial nodes (size 1 trees)
- Level k trees, for any k ≥ 0
- Sync
- O(NlogN), O((N + M)logN)
- Levels: O(logN)
- async MST
- GHS and variants
- Two neighbours may pe part of the same component tree
- Not all component trees may have a guaranteed siz
- component trees may be at different levels
Logical Clocks and Distributed Snapshots
p1 : a s1 r3 b p2 : c r2 s3 p3 : r1 d s2 e
- Vector Logical Clock
- V(P2) : (v1 ,v2 ,v3),(r1 ,r2 ,r3)
- (max(v1 ,r1), max(v2 ,r2) + 1, max(v3 ,r3))