- Introduction to Digital Imaging
- Image Sensing and Acquisition
- Describe the operational principles of CCD and CMOS sensors.
- List the major differences between CCD and CMOS image sensors. - CCD: Charged Coupled Device
- Charge accumulates during exposure
- Collected charges shifted out by horizontal and then vertical shift registers
- Each pixel is converted to the voltage
- Voltage is amplified by an amplifier
- Blooming: The charge collected by a pixel leaks to other pixels. Electrons move more easily in the vertical direction, resulting in a vertical streak. - CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- In a CMOS sensor, each pixel has its own charge-to-voltage conversion, amplifiers and digitization circuits -> No blooming, faster operation.
- Digital values are read in a line-by-line fashion -> Rolling shutter artifact
- CMOS circuitry dissipates less power. | CCD | CMOS | |—————————————————-|——————————————-| | Broadcast cameras (still industry standard for TV) | Phone, Web, and digital SLR cameras | | Better image quality | Cheaper and faster (data transfer) | | Susceptible to the blooming effect | Susceptible to the rolling shutter effect |
- Know how colour images are captured by CCD and CMOS image sensors.
- 3 CCDs capturing red, green and blue, A prism
- CMOS: Arranging colour filters on a square grid of photosensors, 50% green, 25% red and blue
- Separated channel -> interpolated channel -> summing three channels
- Digital Imaging Fundamentals (P30)
- Know the definitions of the digital image (pixel, gray level) and the colour map.
- Know the amount of storage required for an image.
- i, j -> B = 8 -> L = 2^8 = 256 -> 0-255
- 3 * M * N * B/8
- Know the following terms relating to digitalization: continuous-tone image -> digital
- Sampling: its brightness is measured and sampled at discrete locations to form an element in a rectangular matrix.
- Quantization: Each element in the sampled image is quantized
- Dynamic range: The range of grey levels
- Spatial resolution: Physical size of a pixel.
- Pixelation
- Brightness resolution: how accurate the greyscale value can represent
- Brightness contouring: less bits -> single grey level
- Know how nearest neighbor and bilinear interpolation work.
- Gray level of (i,j) is assigned to be that of its nearest neighbour.
- Weighted average of 4 closest neighbours.
- p(s, t) = (1-s)(1-t)p(00) + (1-s)tp(01) + (1-t)sp(10) + stp(11)
- Colour Fundamentals
- Know different colour models introduced and what they are good for.
- 65, 33, 2
- Grayscale along the diagonal
- Quantize each component into 6 levels (6^3)
- [C, M, Y] = [1-R, 1-G, 1-B] - P73
- HSV space we can process only brightness without altering the color - P79
- Know different colour models introduced and what they are good for.
- Point Operations
- Define point operations.
- Common Point Operations
- Describe the following point operations:
- Linear point operation
- b affects brightness of image by shifting grey levels.
- a affects contrast and brightness.
- Logarithmic
- reveal more detail, extremely large range of values
- Power law
- (<1) Map narrow range of dark input to wider range of output
- (>1) Map wide range of dark input to narrow range of output
- Window and level
- Linear point operation
- Know when these point operations are used. - Histogram Processing
- Know how to derive the expression for output histogram given input histogram and point operation in continuous gray-level domain.
- Know how to apply the expression.
- H[i] & D[i]
- P30 H(D) = HA(f-1(D))/f’(f-1(D)) - Histogram Equalization
- Histogram equalization for images with continuous or discrete gray levels. Expected to know formula. - P42 - Histogram Specification (Matching) [P69]
- Obtain point operations achieving histogram specification in continuous and discrete domains.
- Spatial Filtering
- Need to know how to perform convolution and correlation for 2D discrete images. Know the difference between convolution kernel and computational molecule.
- filter/convolution kernel.
- Flip the kernel g in horizontal and vertical directions -> computational molecule.
- Weighted filter
- Know how borders are handled in the correlation operation.
- Smoothing spatial filters (Remove noise)
- Boxcar filter (avg), Gaussian filter (involves convolution)
- P18 - Order-statistic filters (do not involve convolution)
- Median filter.
- remove salt-and-pepper noise - Sharpening spatial filters (Feature enhancement) - First derivative filters (e.g., Prewitt filter, Sobel filter – need to know how they are defined). Need to know how to apply these filters in x and y directions and calculate gradient magnitude. - Second derivative filters (Laplacian). - Use Laplacian for image enhancement. Need to know how one correlation operation can be used to compute I - \delta^2*I. Which property of linear filtering is used? - P39
- Need to know how to perform convolution and correlation for 2D discrete images. Know the difference between convolution kernel and computational molecule.
- Transform Domain Filtering [4.1]
- Fourier Transform in 1D and 2D
- Know Fourier transform for continuous signals and discrete signal.
- Describe sampling theorem in terms of the Fourier transforms of pulse samples and discrete samples.
- Know discrete Fourier transform
- Know how to perform circular convolution
- Describe why wraparound error occurs. - Need zero padding
- Know how to perform linear convolution via circular convolution.
- Frequency Domain Filtering [4.2]
- Why do we filter in frequency domain instead of spatial domain?
- Know the effect of circular convolution in 2D filtering and how to mitigate the effect.
- Know ideal, Gaussian and Butterworth lowpass filters.
- Design lowpass filter using ideal, Gaussian and Butterworth filters.
- Know ideal, Gaussian, Butterworth bandpass and bandreject filters.
- Know how to construct a notch filters based on ideal, Gaussian and Butterworth filters.
- Image Restoration and Reconstruction
- Know noise removal filters:
- Arithmetic mean filter - mean(sum)
- geometric mean filter - (mul)^(1/n)
- median filter - median
- alpha-trimmed mean filter - region(mean(sum))
- adaptive median filter - - Know three ways for estimating impulse response:
- observation
- experimentation
- modelling. - Know inverse filtering
- What issue does it have? enhance the noise, prominent at regions where is close to 0
- How to mitigate this issue? Apply the inverse filter only at the low frequencies - Know Wiener filtering - Mean Squared Error (MSE) Filtering
- What does it optimize?
- What issue does it have? - We do not know noise and the spectrum of the undegraded image
- How to mitigate this issue? - Approximate an average signal-to-noise ratio, denoted by SNR, used across all (u,v) - Image Reconstruction from Projections
- Know Radon Transform
- Define “sinogram”. Why is this representation called sinogram? - The Radon transform data is often called a sinogram because the Radon transform of an off-center point source is a sinusoid.
- Describe backprojection. Describe mathematically why backprojection results in a blurred image.
- Know the Fourier-slice theorem
- Define “filtered backprojection”. Describe the filter that should be used mathematically. List the steps involved in filtered backprojection. P92
- Geometric operations
- Linear transformation: expected to know formulae to relate coordinates in the input image with those in the output image
- Translation
- Scaling about origin or an arbitrary point
- Rotation about origin or an arbitrary point
- [cos, -sin] [sin, cos]:
- Composite transformation. Order of operation does matter. - For all transformation described in (a), know how to define the affine matrix to implement the transformation using Python built-in tool [i.e., need to be able to determine T passed to cv2.warpAffine(im, T, (width, height)) for the transformation described in (a).] P 39 - Define forward mapping and backward mappings. Why are the advantages of using backward mapping? Need to be able to perform the backward mapping given the forward mapping [i.e., need to be able to express (i,j) in terms of (i’,j’).] - Grey level interpolation
- Nearest neighbour
- Bilinear - Landmark registration: expected to know how the four transformation parameters, a, b, ti and tj, are derived.
- Morphological Image Processing
- Binary morphological operations
- Know how to perform erosion and dilation.
- Know the applications of erosion and dilation.
- FIT - erosion -> ALL of the ‘1’s of SE are covered
- Shrinking objects
- Removing small objects or noise
- Removing bridges and branches
- Removing protrusions
- Enlarge holes
- HIT - dilation -> any ONE of the ‘1’s of SE is covered
- Growing objects
- Repairing intrustions
- Filling gaps
- Filling holes
- FIT - erosion -> ALL of the ‘1’s of SE are covered
- Know how to perform opening and closing.
- (A-B)+B
- (A+B)-B
- Know the geometric interpretations of opening and closing. - Connected components and labelling
- Identify connected components based on the 4-connectedness and 8-connectedness definitions.
- Understand the two-pass labelling algorithm. - Morphological algorithms
- Hit-Or-Miss transform
- Boundary extraction
- Region filling
- Skeletonization (no need to know detailed algorithm) - Grayscale Morphology
- Know how to perform erosion and dilation.
- Know how to perform opening and closing.
- Know the geometric interpretations of opening and closing.
- Know the following grayscale morphology algorithms: morphological smoothing, morphological gradient, top-hat and bottom-hat transformations
- Image segmentation
- Edge detection
- Know how to get 1st and 2nd derivatives of an image using convolution/correlation.
- backward f(x) - f(x-1)
- forward f(x+1) - f(x)
- center f(x+1) - f(x-1)
- f(x+1)+f(x-1)-2f(x)
- Know how to compute gradient vector, its magnitude and angle at each pixel.
- P11
- Know how to use the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter
- P24
- Know how to generate an edge map of an image by finding the zero-crossing in an LoG filtered image.
- Know the three criteria for an optimal edge detected as defined by Canny.
- Good detection
- Good localization
- Single response
- Know how to generate an edge map of an image using the Canny edge detector. - Discrete dynamic contour (DDC)
- Know what is a deformable model for segmentation.
- Expected to be able to calculate the following items: di, ti, ri, ci, and len(ci).
- P50/P62/P63/P65
- Expected to know how internal force is computed to avoid collapsing of a closed contour to a point.
- Given an external force, expected to calculate the actual external force applied to DDC to avoid clustering of vertices.
Written on December 8, 2020